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hicginewsagency · 9 months ago
Middle East Conflict, NAM Agenda, ICC & Africa- South African Journalist on Senior Citizens Talk
Ali Davut Pasa a South African Journalist working of Al- Alabi TV in Turkey is on the Senior Citizens with  Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin discussing Middle East Conflict, NAM Agenda, ICC & Africa. Watch, Subscribe, and share.
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ottomanladies · 1 month ago
Hello,I read somewhere that there is version in Secrets of the Ottoman court,private lives of the Ottoman sultans and Inside the Sergalio by John Freely,based on English ambassador Thomas Roe that during the second reign of Mustafa I,Halime Sultan and Kara Davud Pasha had plotted to execute all the survivng sons of Ahmed I and to ensure the throne for the son of Kara Davud Pasa and his wife who was imperial sultana and daughter of Halime Sultan- Sultanzade Suleyman Bey as the only heir of Mustafa I. The chief of the white eunuchs with his men secretly had gone to strangle the princes,but they had been stoped entering by palace guards who had informed the janissaries and sipahis who were on the outer guard of the palace and investigation had begun,in which the white eunuch and his men were executed,Kara Davud Pasa had lost his position as grand vizier,while the main culprit Halime Sultan had escaped punishment as she was consider mother of the saint Sultan Mustafa. Do you maybe know more about it?
This is what John Freely says:
Davut Pasha had married the valide's daughter, Mustafa's sister, who subsequently bore him a son named Süleyman. According to Sir Thomas Roe, the valide and her son-in-law concocted a plot to have all of the surviving sons of Ahmet I murdered, so as to leave Davut's son Süleyman as the only living male in the Osmanlı line other than Sultan Mustafa, who had fathered no children and resisted all attempts to introduce concubines into his harem. Thus the valide's grandson would inherit the throne, or at least she and Davut Pasha so hoped. The valide's henchman, the chief white eunuch, led a group of his men into the Old Saray to kill the young princes, but they were stopped by the palace pages. The pages alerted the Janissaries and Sipahis on duty around the palace, who apprehended the would-be assassins and hanged the chief white eunuch in the Hippodrome as a public spectacle. The soldiers demanded justice, and as a result Davut Pasha was dismissed as grand vezir, though the valide escaped punishment because of her privileged position as the mother of Sultan Mustafa, whose madness led the populace to consider him a saint. Soon afterwards the Janissaries did away with Davut Pasha, strangling him in the same chamber of the Castle of the Seven Towers where, on his order, they had killed Osman. — J. Freely, Inside the Seraglio, 37%.
This is what Thomas Roe says:
(I have fixed some of the spelling)
On Satterday evening, the first of June following, the capiaga or maior domo of the seraglio, having received a secret order to remove the brethren of Osman from their lodgings, and in the night to strangle them; as he was performing his command, ayded with a fewe of the carnifices to carry away the princes, they cryed out; the pages running to the noise, and encouraged by the caslariaga, who had some suspition, without further examination kill the capiaga; now almost every order having risen against their own head, that night they sent secretly to the Janizaries and Spahees to enform them what the had done, and in the morning early hanged his body in the Hippodrome for a publique spectacle. The soldours retorned in fury to court in favour of the pages, and demanded justice against those who had consented to this wicked order, which had made an end of all the Ottoman race, only this Mustafa left alive, who is so holy a saint, that he will not people the world with sinners, nor endure any women about him. The innocent king protests he knows nothing of this purpose, and if his command were procured, it was gotten by subreption; and he is easily believed. But his mother, another Livia, and the new vizier Daout bassa, who had her daughter to wife, were vehemently suspected. It was a day of divan or councill, but these soldiours would suffer none, until they had an accompt of this treason. The vizier denyes all, the mother is a woman, and hidden in the house, yet it is very likely that both were guilty, to uphold and secure their owne authority, it beeing rumored, that the vizier determined to place subditiously, in the roome of the elder prince, his owne sonne, and very like him, and so to governe Mustafa for a tyme, and by his remove to establish himselfe and his race for ever. — The negotiations of Sir Thomas Roe, in his embassy to the Ottoman porte, from the year 1621 to 1628, p. 52.
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dramasandactors · 8 years ago
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charlesmartel732 · 6 years ago
L’imam de Roubaix est-il d’accord avec Davut Pasa, du CCIF, qui soutient la lapidation à Brunei ??
On lira avec profit un excellent dossier sur le site Islamisation.fr à propos d’un tweet qui laisse indifférents, semble-t-il,  tous ceux que l’on a entendus pendant des jours à propos de Christchurch et notamment tous ceux qui se dont défoulés sur moi en prétendant que je faisais de l’apologie du terrorisme parce que je ne […] from Résistance Républicaine https://ift.tt/2FV0Wkq via IFTTT
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nefiskektarifi-blog · 7 years ago
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